Trends in smartphone sales due to COVID 19 in Pakistan

Trends in Smartphone sale due to COVID-19

As the situation caused by the virus named COVID 19, has affected the living of the whole world miserably, the lockdown all over the world has refrained the people all over the world from going outside, and buy products and cause change in the pattern of Trends in Smartphone sale.

During all these months of lockdown, there are many negative and positive impacts on the people of the world. A lot of people have done and are doing many productive home based chores. Due to this lockdown period, the ratio of the market sale of the Mobile phones have been dropped down, whereas people are preferring online sopping instead. And even online shipping of mobile phones from the foreign countries.

Before this COVID 19 situation, the ratio of market sale of the mobile phones in Pakistan was higher than the online sales of the mobile phones. Most often, people tend to buy the Phones from the market themselves, to examine the mobile phone carefully and then buy it, But during this situation, the online sales ratio has been increased and people are buying the smartphones from Online Mobile markets.

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Online sale of Mobile phones during COVID 19

In this Situation, the Online sale of Mobile phones have increased, people tend to do online shopping, and there is a sudden boost in Online shopping of mobile phones, some mobile phone are being shipped to Pakistan, on orders, as the mobile phone has become a major useful device across the world.

There are different ratio of market sale and online shopping, in different countries all over the world, as in some countries the COVID 19 virus has spread less, and in some other countries, it has been spread too much which causes the lockdown.

In this case, people tend to go for the online shopping option, they find it more easy and convenient for them, as they cannot go out to buy their smart phones.

We can see, that there is a slowdown in the release and launching of new smart phones, this is because of the current pandemic. As there is less market sale due to COVID 19, there is less smartphone release.

This has also affected the mobile phone prices, as the online sale has increased, the price also has a direct effect on it.

High Sales Graph of Smart phone users

Apart from all the problems, caused by this whole pandemic, there are a few positive aspects of this situation too!

The sales graph of smart phone in Pakistan has been increased during this pandemic, as the people are inclining more towards working from home, on their smart phones and laptops, in this pandemic, smart phone has become a major need for everyone across the world.

Some people are working from home, for their business and industries to make money, some are freelancing to fulfill their household expenditures and needs to make good living for them, some are learning from online lectures, students are taking online classes for the universities, colleges and schools, submit their assignments on an online platform, and many other important work is being done through this online platform, and all of this needs a smart phone or a system to work on.

This is the basic reason why the online sale of mobile phone has been increased, people need this for their living now, each and every person you see is working from home, and they need a system to work on.

People are making shipments for mobile phones from the foreign countries, and some are buying smart phones online from Pakistan, this has led to an increase in the online sale, and a decrease in worldwide market sales.
