How Cash For Cars Hamilton Uses Auto Recycling Technology

One of the benefits of selling your old automobile to a cash-for-cars shop is that they’ll accept nearly any vehicle. Regardless of the make, model, and condition of your vehicle, you’re able to sell it in exchange for cash.

The reason places like Cash For Cars Hamilton can afford to buy any vehicle in any condition is because they can still profit from it, even if it can’t be resold. Cars can be wrecked, recycled, or salvaged for parts.

What is auto recycling?

Although your vehicle may be most valuable to you when it’s operational, even a broken-down car has value. Auto recycling involves stripping old vehicles to salvage metals and other recyclable components. These are smelted and reused for other products.

Metal is the most valuable recyclable material. Steel is the most commonly used metal in automobiles, but you’ll also find other valuable minerals like aluminum, platinum, magnesium, and titanium. All of these minerals are nonrenewable resources, so anything that can be salvaged becomes valuable. (1)

The auto recycling industry is bigger than you might expect. Automobiles are the most recycled product globally. About 80% of a vehicle’s weight is recyclable, most of it being steel. Additionally, an average of 25% of a car’s body comes from recycled steel. Metal recovered from out-of-order vehicles contributes around 40% of the scrap processing industry’s ferrous metals. Other parts, like batteries and tires, are also recycled for other purposes. (2)

How does the car recycling process work?

There are four main steps in the car recycling process. Here’s what places like Car Wreckers Hamilton do with your vehicle when you sell to them:

  1. Inspection

Before anything else, the vehicle needs to go through a detailed inspection. The primary purpose of this step is to determine whether it would be better to repair or recycle the automobile. If repair would cost too much to be worth it, it’ll move on to the next steps. Otherwise, the vehicle will be repaired and resold for profit.

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  1. Removing pollutants

Cars contain several different fluids, all for various functions. It’s well known that combustion in the engine results in the release of harmful gases like carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen dioxide. Any harmful fluids and substances remaining in an unused vehicle can pollute the environment if left unchecked. (3)

750,000 gallons can be contaminated with just one gallon of gasoline, and 1,000,000 gallons of fresh water with one gallon of used motor oil. To prevent the leakage of chemicals into the environment, all recycled cars need to be drained and cleaned of all potential pollutants. Gasoline, motor oil, and other fluids are the main targets in this step. (4) (5)

These liquids will be filtered, refined, recycled, or safely disposed of.

  1. Dismantling and salvaging

After being cleared of all pollutants, the vehicle is ready to be dismantled.  The recycling facility will start by taking your vehicle apart and examining each component.

Components that remain in good condition will most often be sold and used to repair other vehicles. Sometimes a part is slightly damaged but worth repairing. This maximizes the lifetime of the part, reducing the need for manufacturing new parts. They also sell for between 80% and 20% less than brand new parts. (2)

  1. Processing

After the removal of pollutants and reusable parts, everything else will be processed accordingly. Any remaining metals will be sorted, crushed, and processed into metal chunks which will be sold or stored. This typically includes the car body and other metal parts that couldn’t be reused, repaired, or sold.

How do you benefit from auto scrapping services?

Your old, unused, even inoperable vehicle may just be taking up extra space. Selling your car to an automotive recycling facility has several benefits that make it worth considering.

  • Instant financial benefit

When you sell your vehicle for recycling, you get some financial remuneration. Sometimes it can be difficult to sell a broken vehicle, especially when it would cost too much for the repairs to be worth it. If you need money, selling to a cash-for-cars place is an excellent way to instantly get money for an unused or inoperable car.

  • Environmentally friendly

Recycling your automobile can be beneficial for the environment. The raw vehicle manufacturing process can lead to mass emissions of harmful pollutants. Recycling contributes to reducing these emissions. It also ensures that the vehicle and its pollutants are handled safely.

  • Easy, convenient, and fair

As mentioned earlier, they’ll buy regardless of the vehicle or its condition. Provided that you have all the paperwork proving that it’s yours to sell, you’ll almost certainly be able to get rid of it relatively easily. The price you’re able to negotiate will depend on the make, model, and condition.

You can check a reliable resource, like the Kelley Blue Book, to get a rough estimate of how much your vehicle would retail for in the best scenario. Expect to be offered a fair price that will leave the buyer room to make a profit. If your vehicle is recycled, you might be offered a percentage of the profit instead.


There’s no reason to be stuck with an old, broken-down vehicle that neither you nor anybody else wants. If you can’t sell it and don’t know what to do with it, let them handle it. Your vehicle will be bought for a reasonable rate, be recycled for parts, and benefit the environment at the same time.

Reference Links

  1. “Metal as a Renewable or Nonrenewable Resource (”, Source:
  2. “Car Recycling Statistics and Facts (”, Source:
  3. “Reducing car pollution – Washington State Department of Ecology”, Source:
  4. “Water Contamination- How Far Do Pollutants Reach? | The 71 Percent”, Source:
  5. “How Does Used Motor Oil Pollute? (”, Source: